Monday, April 22, 2019

How to Save Your Marriage - Powerful Tools For Enhancing Romance

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How to Save Your Marriage - Powerful Tools For Enhancing Romance

Would you like to save your marriage or rekindle the passion in your romantic relationship? If your relationship is on the rocks, or is suffering from boredom or indifference, you can take immediate steps to improve it. And you can take these steps without your partner's immediate cooperation!

Pro-Active Steps

Many of my relationship clients say the best time in their marriage or romantic relationship was the "honeymoon period." And they long for a return to those exciting days!

The honeymoon period or infatuation stage is when the relationship is brand new and both partners are on their best behavior and trying to win each other's adoration, respect and love. Both parties are on a natural high as the newness of the relationship makes every date seem so, so exciting. Being with someone new is both stimulating and refreshing.

This period may last for a year or two before interest subsides a little and the relationship becomes more predictable and "old hat." As the initial euphoria and infatuation subside (and the relationship matures), the couple often becomes discouraged and wonders what's wrong!

Nothing is really wrong, but it sure feels different.

This is part of a natural progression that all relationships go through. So how do you save your marriage? Marital problems can be complicated, but one way is to ignite new passion and interest in your relationship.

Suggestions For Bringing New Life Into Your Marriage

1. Relive the early days of your relationship. Recall your first date, something funny that may have happened or fond and memorable experiences the two of you had together. Talk about it over coffee or dinner, or look at a photo album containing pictures of special events in your early relationship.

You'll be stir up some laughs and conjure warm, fuzzy feelings. That's a good starting point... the more you two can recall the good old days and reconnect with what you like about your relationships the better! Pay close attention when your spouse talks about what he/she liked about the relationship you used to have.

2. While you're at it... since we all change with time, find out what your partner saw and liked in you in the beginning. Maybe he/she misses the "old you." If, for example, he/she was drawn to you because of your sense of humor, then try to recapture your old hilarity, spunk and spontaneity. Once again being silly or youthful, and letting go of inhibition (and acting a little crazy) might work wonders for your relationship.

3. Make a date, in the spirit of the old times or early days of your relationship, and try to spend as much time preparing for it as you did all those years ago. Throw in some old-fashioned enthusiasm and a dash of passion on your part. You know, wear a new outfit, get your hair styled and put your best foot forward. You may want to revisit a special place you spent a lot of time in as a couple, or try something new and exciting. Go into the date with the idea of having a ton of FUN!

In other words, forget about the problems, and simply focus on having fun together! That's it. Do not try and solve any problems. Do not try and save your marriage or have ultra-serious talks.

4. To save your marriage, you may want to consider marital therapy, the best way in the world to get to the bottom of your problems. But you can't do that right now, it is always helpful to take stock in yourself and think of ways you can be a better person, a more responsible or devoted partner or a more sensitive and creative lover!

Take stock in yourself. Instead of pointing the finger at your spouse and finding fault, ask yourself honestly and objectively what you can do to improve yourself... and do it. Don't wait for your spouse to make changes. Take the initiative. Be the mature one. Start working on yourself. It'll come back to the relationship in time.

5. Another sure-fire method to solve your relationship problems is to deepen and expand your friendship. Friendship is the foundation or rock of your relationship. If you're having sexual problems, solidifying the bedrock of your relationship, your friendship, may just be the way to go. Re-establishing trust. Just spending quality time together when you are not bickering or fighting. That will go a long way toward rebuilding your friendship and saving your marriage, as well as bringing back some real passion!

6. Have you become a bit predictable and boring in the romantic department? If so, a great way to rekindle the fires of passion in your relationship is to try something new and cool and different! No technique works better than novelty ot surprise! Do something different. Avoid falling into a rut. Be inventive and spontaneous.

But it doesn't have to be a bedroom technique, try meeting your spouse at the door with a whale of a hug and kiss. And say something like, "I'm so glad you're home!" Then make your spouse feel glad, too.

The Crux Of The Matter

In the final analysis, marital problems can be improved or solved by going back to the basics and restoring your underlying friendship, having fun together again, trying new things and taking an objective look at yourself. Injecting a sense of playfulness, variety and optimism can help a great deal. Get out of that rut and sprinkle some new spices on your marriage or romantic relationship -- try a little joy, comedy, compassion, change or surprise -- and good things will happen!

If you've become overly serious or turned into an old hag, lighten things up a little and try to become a more joyful person. Chances are, your spouse will see the difference and lighten up, too.

And don't forget the intriguing and thoughtful person you once were... when your relationship was just starting... and recapture a bit of your old magical essence. Your marriage will perk up in no time! If you need more help, try marital therapy with a competent therapist. Or you may consider relationship coaching services, if you need a gentle push in the right direction.

Richard Hamon is a dynamic coach and therapist with more than 30 years of professional experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.

You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a happier life at Richard's website, Find out about personal coaching programs to assist you in quickly reaching your loftiest goals. Discover eBooks, relaxation CDs and other informative products that are being added to the site, such as a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship.

Richard Hamon is a dynamic coach and therapist with more than 30 years of professional experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.

You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a happier life at Richard's website, Find out about personal coaching programs to assist you in quickly reaching your loftiest goals. Discover eBooks, relaxation CDs and other informative products that are being added to the site, such as a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How To Save Your Marriage After an Affair

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How To Save Your Marriage After an Affair 

Your spouse cheated on you and you finally found out. You are feeling that the whole world is falling down around you and despite all these negative and painful emotions you still want to save your marriage after affair. You may have different reasons why you would want to rebuild your marriage, maybe because of your children or you still love your spouse. No matter what are the reasons you must know that saving your marriage after affair it's possible.

There is no specific process to rebuild you marriage after affair but one thing is sure it takes a lot of commitment from both of the partners and many efforts. One thing you will have to do is to reignite that initial spark between you two and in order to do this you will have to work together.

3 Steps to help you start saving your marriage after affair and reignite the spark:

1. Make a list with dates ideas. Sit down together and try to think about some great date ideas. Your marriage after affair is very unstable and it needs some work in creating the lost interest to each other. For example try to think 4 date ideas each and then combine them.

2. After you come up with a list of date ideas it is time to choose one and put it in practice. First select a date and time and mark it in your calendar. In order to save your marriage after affair you need to take actions to move your relationship forward. Doing this will not mean that all the negative feelings will go away but it is your commitment that you and your spouse are really trying to rebuild your marriage after affair.

3. Try to forget about the conflict between you two for the day you choose your date. This may be a tense time for you but you have to remain strong and think about your goal of surviving the affair. This "first date" after the affair wouldn't be the same like your real first date years ago but it will still give you jitters about what to say and how to behave and even what to discuss with your spouse.

You both have to agree that for this date you will remain calm and relaxed and don't start a discussion about the affair or other conflicts you two had in the past, just enjoy your date and the time spent together. If you really want to save your marriage after affair than you have to be committed to this and work together to pass this critical moment.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How to Save Your Marriage When it Seems Impossible

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How to Save Your Marriage When it Seems Impossible

When your partner doesn't want to cooperate, you need to carry the challenge of how to save your marriage alone. It will be hard but always remember, nothing is impossible if you hold on to what God suggests you to do. He has promises to each one of us and for whatever it is, you will see that His plan is perfect.

If you desire to save your marriage and your partner is not cooperative, what is the best thing to do? You have to examine what is wrong with the marriage. It will be important that you speak to your partner according to his availability. You need to know what it is that makes your partner unhappy or happy. He/she may have things to hate about you and you need to know them so you know what to change about you.

Fixing a broken marriage is too hard especially when you both need to change things in yourselves, and the change means major adjustments. If your partner is having an affair with another person, it will be too painful and hard to solve, but you need to do something if you really want to save your marriage. You have the right to do something about it so don't just sit there and watch your falling marriage.

How to save your marriage and win back the heart of your spouse is easy in a way. How do you do it? I always tell my friends who have the same problem that it will be easy if we will just surrender it to God. True love comes from Him and so if we want genuine love, we ask it from Him. Have you watched the movie "fireproof"? In that movie, there was only one of the couple who wanted to save the marriage, the other one doesn't even care. But in the end, as the husband waited on the Lord and continuously listen and obey God's instructions, his wife realized that she loves his husband so much.

It may seem that you don't know how to save your marriage and it may be too impossible to make things work out. But if you will just try to know what God says about it, you will understand that it wouldn't be impossible if it is really what He wants. Remember He has a plan for all of us. All we have to do is focus on Him. He will guide our way.

The gap between you and your spouse may require you and your partner to be changed. Remember that you cannot work on the change, you need God to do that. You are not capable of changing yourself and forcing your partner to change too. Changing your spouse will take place in God's intervention so learn how to trust in Him. God knows how to save your marriage. Pray and believe. When God is with you, who can be against you. If you have clean intentions, God will see that. He is always knocking. Let Him enter and take control.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

Advice For Saving Your Marriage - What Not to Do

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

Advice For Saving Your Marriage - What Not to Do

When it comes to finding advice for saving your marriage, there are plenty of tidbits to go around. As much as we'd like to think that every little tip we find can be helpful though, it's just not the case. Some of the advice will prove to be more beneficial than others, and others still should be just totally avoided as they can mire your relationship and lead you into deeper trouble.

In this article we won't be giving you tips on how to save your marriage; instead, we'll be discussing more on the things that you should avoid doing when your relationship hits the rough patches of life. After all, you probably wouldn't want to leave anything out when trying to find solutions for your marital problems, and since many of the articles you'll find have probably already taught you what to do, its time you learned what not to.

So, without any further delay, here are some of the things you should refrain from doing when dealing with a failing marriage:

Don't resort to emotional blackmail:

When we encounter problems in the relationship, things can get confusing very quickly which leads us to make a lot of mistakes in the things that we say, or do. Resorting to emotional blackmail is one of the most common mistakes out there. It's actually very easy to make such mistakes because of the fact that you're beginning to get desperate. Saying "I love you" or throwing your children into the discussion to guilt your spouse into submission are just some of the evident examples of emotional blackmail. When things are heated and raw emotions are flying all over the places, emotional blackmail can be seen as an attack on your partner's weakest point, so don't force it.

Concentrate on what you can do:

Promises and compromises tend to be such easy resorts for mellowing down your arguments, but they won't amount to anything unless you take action. So instead of making your spouse feel better by promising this and that, concentrate on doing them. If you start finding yourself to be making such guarantees, stop. Listen to what is being said, state your piece and then start acting on them. This will show your partner that you are indeed serious in what you say and that saving the relationship is still at the top of your priority.

Do not try to control everything:

Fear is a big part of a failing marriage, and sometimes we tend to falter in dealing with it. Trying to control every aspect of the 'patching up' process is one of the most common mistakes that people do when faced with difficult relationship problems. This can be very damaging as it may only lead to resentment and rebellion.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How To Save Your Marriage Alone

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How To Save Your Marriage Alone

Following is a checklist of what to look for when deciding upon a divorce counselor/coach. It's important to tell this person that you want your marriage restored.

  • A level headed, calm person who listens well.
  • Someone who works with facts and not feelings.
  • Someone who seeks to restore the marriage first and divorce second.
  • Someone who will not rush you into anything that's not in the best interest of your children.
  • A person who encourages you to delay dating, even if you want to date out of revenge.
  • A person who will encourage you to be truthful.

Someone who will encourage counseling and open communication with your spouse.
After my client and I talked about how he would confront is wife regarding her infidelity, he called her to set up a time that they would meet for dinner. After they ate and had time to talk, he let her know that he had found the love letters in her dresser drawer when he was putting her laundry away. She looked at him in total shock and disbelief. Later that evening, she went to their bedroom and found the notes. She yelled at him while shaking her love letters in her hand and accused him of snooping around and going through her personal things. She screamed at him and demanded that he leave. (Note: under no circumstances should you leave your home during a heated argument. If you do, this most likely will open up the door to visits from the one the offending spouse is having an affair with.)

He firmly, yet with kindness stated he was not leaving. He told her that he loved her and that they would work through this. He admitted he wasn't the greatest husband and acknowledged he had to make some major changes in his own life. That's what it takes - admitting your faults and that you will be working on them to make the marriage work. She didn't believe him. The next day she moved out. He stayed the course we planned by getting counseling, committing 100% to the marriage and loving her regardless of what she was said or did. Over a period of several months, she began to see the changes in him, although she was still seeing the other man from time to time. Late one night she and her lover had an argument that escalated to the point that she packed up her bags and moved back into the house. She told her husband that the guilt of having an affair was overwhelming in the face of all the changes she saw her husband making. She saw that he loved her unconditionally, no matter what she said or did to him.

Something to remember is that even though the wayward spouse falls head over heels with someone else, they may move out of the house or ask you to. However, if you both live in the same house you will have plenty of time to interact by talking with each other, showing your love toward your partner, and showing them the changes you are making in your own life. This will impact your spouse in a way that will give pause for second looks at your marriage and they will start seeing you in a different light.

When your spouse is discovered cheating, you can expect an outburst of anger from them because they have been discovered. They have been humiliated and their cover is blown. Some may deny the affair even with evidence being shown them. Some will stick with the story that they never had or are in an affair.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How To Fix A Broken Marriage Or Save A Relationship While Embracing Emotional Needs

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How To Fix A Broken Marriage Or Save A Relationship While Embracing Emotional Needs

Did you know that within the marriage relationship and marriage issues both husband and wife either bear the wholeness of the One-Mind, or instead of separation from wholeness which is what often leads to infidelity in marriage?

How to save a relationship is in understanding that constant healing is a part of everyday life as humans in this world.

The ego-based human mind since the symbolic Garden of Eden has been living under constantly separating thought from the One Mind of Creation-- God, and continues to fragment to this day.

Marriage is God's conduit for love and wholeness.

It is meant to be in this world a safe harbor where a female and a male while in this world may be united and whole as a reflection or glimpse of our real Home-

- Heaven.

It is really difficult to have these glimpses of Home-- love and wholeness, when you are at odds with your spouse. Conflict drains our psychological and innovative energies.

Regretfully, many husbands and wives seem like they are sleeping with the opponent instead of with the oneness beyond the body which we really share.

How to save a relationship or fixing a broken marriage means understanding marriage is a reflection of wholeness of mind within our Creator.

When a couple is on the same page, so to speak, they are displaying the wholeness of the Creation within the One-Mind of God.

Okay, now you have the basic idea of the marital relationship while we pass through time in this world, how to stop divorce and other marriage issues marital relationship needs a plan.

You must decide, when and for all, are you going to commit to honoring wholeness-- our real Home-- Heaven, through your marriage.

Let's move on if you are seeing what I mean here.

If you're making a plan to improve or begin fixing a broken marriage it's best to begin on the right foot.

Even if it is surviving an affair it needs taking obligation for the negative, wrong-minded things you have contributed to your marriage without justifying yourself or blaming your spouse.

Admitting to as a starting point for healing or undoing the separated mind can be a turning point in our lives.

It suggests we make a mindful shift as a contract, we may say, with wholeness of mind, which IS God, about healing our human projections of separation.

When we can let go of the idea of the body as who we truly are, thoughts of wholeness prevail over thoughts of separation.

The Course in Miracles states, "For nothing that you value here do you value wholly, and so you do not value it at all."

Surely while in this world we will have many thoughts based on projections and assumptions that are the ingredients of separation.

But when we can have a higher basis of reflective thought wholeness leads the way during our time in this world.

When we do this, wholeness is the value of God that gives us the power to accomplish that.

The Course in Miracles further states, "In Heaven is everything God values, and nothing else. Heaven is perfectly unambiguous. Everything is bright and clear, and calls forth one response."

Previously I discussed finding the best marriage advice, which led the session to answering certain considerations for emotional healing.

A few of the things you might wish to consider admitting are:

- The ways which you have not trusted and honored your own inner depths of oneness of mind.

- I mean the ways you have not been aligned to your true Reality, the consequences of your choices to you, your partner and your marriage.

Exercising real humility is a crucial part for how to save a relationship or fixing a broken marriage.

Making acknowledgement of your human ego-based thoughts of projections rather than denying the ego, will shine light that causes projection to fade away.

Acknowledgement of the ego getting in the way can go a long way in keeping our hearts caring and flexible to our spouse and commitment to wholeness.

The next step for how to save a relationship is making a plan for understanding your partner's essential needs.

You also must end up being intentional about fulfilling those needs.

When you are meeting his/her crucial emotional needs, your partner will feel more linked and in love with you.

Regular prayer or learning how to do mindfulness meditation certainly is quite effective for healing marriage issue.

Meditate and pray, going within, and see that God shows His love and loyalty to your spouse through you. Prayer is how we experience the individual relationship-- our interconnectedness with our Creator.

The Course in Miracles teaches us that, this "interconnectedness is the Christ Mind, and is what Jesus was here to show us.

Not that he had it and we do not, but rather that deep within we are all the Christ that is the Oneness of Creation.

It means no one being split or separate apart.

A marriage that reflects this image of wholeness-- this 'interconnectedness' I am speaking of, is a loving and safe marriage. For that reason your marital relationship must be a refuge for both you and your spouse.

That's why a strategy for how to save a relationship must deal with conflict.

Your marital relationship can be free from condemnation, contempt, attitudes and defensiveness. It is not, however, a marital relationship that is totally free from conflict.

Your fixing a broken marriage plan requires specific objectives and goals that are written down. Written goals are effective. They place a strategy into motion.

Next, let's begin discussing keeping your marriage away from ever having to begin surviving an affair.

(Please note that I suggest searching the web of some form of counseling if you need to decide, for the best of both of you, you are going to dedicate to honoring wholeness through your marriage.)

You can find related info on topics like, 'the women which men love and adore,' and more.

The link above gives you access to further helpful material and for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and moving on in life to attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, videos, Podcast, and other content for a better life, where I reflect on the principles of A Course in Miracles. It's about being all you can be and a life of success and happiness. Thank you for visiting.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How to Save Your Marriage by Following Three Simple Steps

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How to Save Your Marriage by Following Three Simple Steps

Marriages can sometimes resemble candy. There are the Good and Plenty, Nutrageous, Sour Patch and Lifesaver type marriages. What kind of marriage do you have? Let's examine each one and see what candy represents your marriage and how to save your marriage by following three simple steps.

Good and Plenty - In a good and plenty marriage there is a good amount of love, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. There is also good communication and a good amount of intimacy and support. Good decisions are made as they are made together where two brains are better than one. There is plenty of forgiveness and understanding in the good and plenty marriage and there is no shortage of love for each other. There is also plenty of respect and trust in the marriage. I hope this is a reflection of your marriage.

Nutrageous - Things are not as smooth in the Nutrageous marriage. There are a lot of nutty things in this marriage that drives one or both spouses crazy. Communication is sometimes unclear and mis-understandings exist and cause unnecessary conflict in the marriage. Some days you are not sure what planet your spouse is from because of the nutty things they say or do. You're left at times scratching your head trying to figure out how to fix this nutty spouse and marital situation.

Sour Patch - Marriage isn't as sweet as you thought it would be. In fact it's just the opposite. There are some days in the marriage that are OK and other days it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You aren't sure if you really like it but you haven't decided to throw in the towel. You are holding out hope that your sweetness will rub off on your spouse and turn your sour marriage to a sweet sensation.

Life Saver - There is a big hole in your marriage and you are drowning. You don't have the will, desire or compassion you once had for marriage. Your hope for living in happiness until death do you part is quickly fading. There are communication, trust, commitment, selfishness and/or other issues causing anger, frustration, disappointment and feelings of hopelessness in your marriage. You often struggle trying to figure out how to save your marriage.

So how to save your marriage by following three simple steps is what follows:

Examine your marriage and see what kind of marriage you have and what issues problems are preventing you from having a good and plenty marriage. Have a non confrontational discussion about the issues keeping you from the marriage you expected and deserve.

Submit to each other and put your spouses' interest and well being ahead of your own wants and needs. Make your spouse the more important one in your relationship. Setting aside your own interest for the sake of your spouse and a better marriage will bring your marriage from the sour patch to the good and plenty.

Commit to staying away from the life saver and sour patch marriages by any means necessary. It may mean making some tough decisions related to work, family and friends but your focus and priority must be your spouse and your marriage. When your marriage relationship is good and plenty everything else will be in balance.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How to Save Your Marriage When Counseling Has Failed

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How to Save Your Marriage When Counseling Has Failed

My marriage nearly ended a few years ago and it was the toughest experience of my life. Even though my wife and I had tried numerous counseling sessions it had not worked. She told me she wanted a divorce, but still I was determined to save our marriage! I'd like to tell you what I learned and how to save your own marriage, even when counseling has failed you. Your marriage does not have to be over. You can still take action to save it!

First of all, let me share the news with you. There have been studies which have shown that married couples who have attended counseling still face the same 50% divorce rate that the general public faces. In other words, counseling does not appear to save many marriages. The same studies further indicated that only 20% of the couples who attended counseling felt that it was any help. That's right! The failure rate of traditional marriage counseling is 80%!

Here is the problem. Traditional marriage counseling normally focuses on the well being and happiness of the individual because the vast majority of counselors are trained in individual counseling. These well meaning professionals try to apply that same model to marriage and it doesn't work very well. In fact, the use of this faulty model can actually make the problem worse because it focuses on improving communication skills as the solution to the couple's problems. Rarely is communication the problem! Often times this just teaches the couple how to fight better!

How do I know all this? Because my marriage was awful and counseling only seemed to make it worse. It definitely wasn't helping and now it had reached the point where my wife didn't want to be married any more. I was determined to save our marriage but I didn't know how. The more I reached out to her to try and save our marriage, the more she seemed to pull away from me. What had happened to us?

Then, just when it seemed that divorce was inevitable I made some important discoveries that would change everything:

1. I had to stop playing the blame game
2. I had to take responsibility for saving the marriage
3. I had to be willing to rely on expert help
4. I had to be willing to take specific action

If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

The solution I discovered has been so successful that it was featured on Dateline NBC and has nearly a 90% success rate! It works even when only one partner wants to save the marriage! And you can do it at home without spending tons of money on counseling that doesn't work!

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How To Save Your Marriage When You Are Drowning In Problems That Seem To Strangle Your Relationship

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

How To Save Your Marriage When You Are Drowning In Problems That Seem To Strangle Your Relationship

So you are a couple with marital problems, you are not alone, perhaps you would like to know how to save your marriage when problems seem to strangle the very life out of your relationship.

Saving your marriage from ending in divorce is usually possible, though I will not promise it will be easy. Fortunately, I think you will find the trip quite enjoyable when we succeed.

Perhaps your marriage is nothing but petty squabbling, even common courtesies having been discontinued. Maybe one of you is sleeping on the couch or that old army cot in the basement.

I heard in a movie once a line that seemed quite insightful, and I have seem the wisdom of it when analyzing so many marriage difficulties.

That line is "why are you always fixing blame instead of fixing the problem?"

You see, in many marriages any problem in life that is identified must have a person who is at fault. Since few of us want to take the blame for anything, let alone something that is maybe no one's fault, the blame may end up fixed on your spouse - or on you.

A marriage is intended to be a partnership. If you can work together to fix problems and not worry about fixing blame, you can actually build your relationship as you work through the problems.

But that takes something that is probably missing in your marriage. Communication.

If you want to know how to save your marriage then learn how to reestablish communication.

Here is where a little time travel comes into play. Not real time travel, of course, but mentally go back to the time the two of you were dating and think about what you may have talked about.

Everything, right?

Not so after a few years of marriage, though, would be my guess. Your conversations become fewer, shorter and more abrupt. While this may be common it is not normal nor desired.

Sure, no one told you a good marriage was work, did they?

Now is the time to shift gears back into dating mode, as I suspect that you and your spouse never "date" anymore. Dating can be expensive and money can be short, especially after you start a family.

There are alternatives for dating that do not cost a lot of money, though, and with the internet I am sure you can come up with some ideas quite easily. Dinner and a movie may have been normal fare back then, but maybe not now.

A short walk and some ice cream may do just as well and actually give you more time to talk than a movie where you sit next to the person but do not know them any better after the show than before.

Saving your marriage is about making priorities.

Schedule some time for just talking. Do NOT talk about problems at first. Back when you were dating you probably talked about things that were more trivial and just enjoyed talking with the person who became your spouse.

Make another time for talking about and solving problems life throws at you. Resolve to solve those problems together without assigning blame all the time.

There is no one exact step by step approach for how to save your marriage [] but there are principles that tend to work and strategies others have found successful.

Find out what secrets other couples found helped avoid divorce and saved their relationship. Come over to [] right now to get started.

Mr. Scott has enjoyed assisting people with relationship and marriage issues for many years now. Please note that he may occasionally receive some form of compensation when recommending other experts services or products.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

Stop a Divorce Single-Handedly - How to Save Your Marriage Alone

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

Stop a Divorce Single-Handedly - How to Save Your Marriage Alone

You can stop a divorce on your own.  If your marriage is in trouble, you need to learn how to save your marriage alone.  It might seem too good to be true, but it can happen.  In fact it happens all the time.  Let's talk about why it works and how you can get started.

For a long time, the conventional wisdom argued that the only way to stop a divorce was to get both parties in the marriage working together.  The "it takes two to tango" theory makes sense, at face value, but when you look a little closer, you'll find that it isn't really a winner when it comes to saving marriages.  Here's just one example:  According to one noted relationship expert, couple's therapy only works about 20% of the time.  That's right, 20%.  That's among couples using the most common traditional strategy for preventing a divorce, working together.  Those are horrible odds.

On the other hand, there are methods designed for one spouse to use to save a marriage that boast success rates in excess of 80%.  That's four times as effective as couple's therapy.

Learning how to save a marriage alone works because that mindset recognizes that a change in one part of a marriage naturally causes changes in other aspects to occur.  It's sort of like a ripple effect.  Another good analogy is an algebra problem.  If you alter the value on one side of the equation, it automatically changes the value on the other side.  You don't need "two to tango".  You need one person who wants to shift the nature of a marriage to stop a divorce.

So, how can you get started?  Where do you start if you want to save a marriage alone?  Well, don't rely on hunches or guesswork.  Go out there and get your hands on some  expert guidance by an experienced professional who has made studying marriages and divorce their career.  You can save a marriage if you go about it the right way.

Even though you might be a very smart person, you are not a professional.  You haven't made figuring all of this out your life's work.  Rely on expert guidance to help you save your marriage.

You don't want to see your special relationship implode.  You don't want to watch your dreams, hopes, and commitment wither up and die in a divorce court.  You don't want the trauma.  You don't want the disappointment and sorrow.  You want to prevent a divorce and the good news is that you can find out how to save your marriage alone.

Your relationship is not doomed. Even if you're the only one interested in making things work, you can save your marriage [].

By following a smart, professional and proven plan designed to effectively save a marriage [], you can make your relationship much stronger and better than it has ever been

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Signs That Your Spouse Is Actually Trying To Save Your Marriage

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

Signs That Your Spouse Is Actually Trying To Save Your Marriage

Sometimes, when our husbands tell us that they aren't happy or that they may want a separation, we worry that no matter what he says or does, he has already checked out of our marriage. Even when he backtracks and tells us that he will 'try' to help us save our marriage, we worry that he's just giving us lip service and that the only thing that he is really going to 'try' to do is to get out as soon as it is feasible to do so.

To that end, we wives watch our husbands for any indication that he might actually want to save our marriage and is therefore actively trying to do the same, but it isn't always clear what we should be looking for. As an example, someone might explain: "I am very grateful that I am not separated right now. For several weeks, my husband told me that he wanted to move out and he looked at apartments. My sole priority during that time was to change his mind. I told him that I knew that if we both tried really hard, we could save our marriage. I asked him if he really wanted to be alone. I finally wore him down and he reluctantly agreed that he would not move out right away and would 'try' to save our marriage. And I was thrilled with that. But after a few weeks, I'm not so thrilled. Because I literally do not see anything different. I don't see him acting any differently than he did before. I am acting differently. I'm trying to be more kind and patient. Thankfully, he seems to be responding pretty well to this. But he isn't doing anything himself. Sometimes I think that maybe I am just too pessimistic and that maybe he is trying, but I'm just missing his efforts. What are the signs of a man who is really trying to save his marriage?"

I'll list some of the signs below, but know that not every man is going to exhibit every sign. The types of efforts that a man puts forward is going to depend on his personality. Still, you want to see at least some changes and some effort, even if they aren't what you quite expected or hoped for.

He Is On His Good Behavior: Most of us change our behavior when we know that doing so will get us closer to what we want. You said yourself that you've tried to have more patience. You want to see similar changes in your husband. Now, it's probably unrealistic to see someone totally change their personality. You probably won't see someone who is reserved by nature suddenly become comfortable with public affection. You probably won't see a man who is soft spoken suddenly become boisterous. But you should see him making an effort that is alignment with his personality, even if he steps outside of his comfort zone a little.

He's Checking In With You: A man who truly wants to save his marriage is invested in his wife's experience during this process. Even if your marriage is struggling, if he's invested, he will ask you how you are doing and what he might do to help. It's probably unrealistic to expect this on a daily basis, but you should at least see that type of concern some of the time.

He At Least Tries To Stop Or Slow The Behaviors That Are Hurting Your Marriage: Most of us can at least somewhat identify our roles or the parts that we have played in the struggles of our marriage. You realized that you needed to be more patient. Your husband should have some self awareness and then act on it. For example, if his constantly staying out with friends puts pressure and strain on your marriage, you should see him try to rein this in somewhat.

He Is Seeking Out Whatever Will Help You: A man who really wants to save his marriage will look for ways to make it happen. Again, how he goes about this will depend on his personality. Some will do research. Some will find a counselor. Some will read self help. Others will seek advice from friends, family members, or clergy. Most people will reach out to others when they have a problem that they really want to solve.

You probably won't see all of these behaviors at once and you don't necessarily need to assume that he's not interested in saving your marriage if you don't see these behaviors right this minute. But you want to eventually see some of them (or at least your husband's own version of them, even if his version is flawed.) Sometimes, it does take some time to see changed behaviors as both parties process their feelings.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

The Correct Way That Saved My Marriage and Will Stop Your Divorce

I know what you’re thinking...

Why as a divorce mediator are you writing about how to save a marriage relationship? Isn’t it your job to help couples end their marriage with a no-fault divorce?

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing…

Yes, my job is to help couples divorce peacefully and it isn't my role to help a husband and wife find a way to save the marriage. But divorce mediation is only appropriate when both spouses are on the same page.

If one of you wants to end your marriage but the other wants to know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce, there’s not much I can do.

The Best System to Save Your Marriage is in The Marriage Savior

You want the best for your marriage. It follows that when your marriage becomes rocky; you also want the best to save your marriage. You can find the best system in The Marriage Savior written by Michael Cross who is well recognized in saving marriages.

It's painful when a marriage begins to fall apart. When you said "I do" on your wedding day, you vowed to stay together until eternity. Maintaining a marriage relationship is work, and it's even harder when you're the only spouse who wants to stay together. If your partner isn't committed to saving your marriage, then you must take responsibility for repairing your relationship and changing his mind.

I know the feeling perfectly. I felt terrible when my husband lost interest in me and asked for a divorce. When my husband stopped caring about me, and lost interest in our marriage, I felt like my world was falling apart. I cried for days.

If you're like me, I'm sure you're wondering what can be done to save your marriage. Here are a few things you should avoid doing if you want to save your marriage. First, never try to devise methods to save the marriage on your own. If your marriage is headed to the divorce courts, you are probably not in a positive frame of mind to effectively handle your situation.

Second, avoid crying to your spouse about how much you love him and how sad you are about your relationship. Finally, avoid begging your spouse not to end the marriage. This makes you appear needy and insecure, which is not attractive.

Your first instincts are usually wrong when it comes to saving your marriage. Avoid whining, crying, begging and pleading at all costs. Get outside help. Find someone who has a proven solution for saving your marriage and renewing your relationship.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How to Save Your Marriage From Collapsing

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

How to Save Your Marriage From Collapsing

When you discover you have a marriage problem is the first step to transforming your marriage but for some couples acknowledging that they have a problem shatters the marriage myth. Looking at the aspect of love movies, stories and fairytales we are required to live happily forever. Whats the way forward when the husband develops a drinking problem? What happens when David Miller late nights start disrupting his marriage to Jennifer Bush? When will become of the marriage situation when Jane says she is no longer in love with the husband when its supposed to be till death do us apart.

While in school, we were taught how to read and write, do sums, know Shakespeare and the ability to do scientific experiments but whats the relevance of the social benefit of all, known as the capability to keep the love lingering in our marriage.

The truth is that we know only a little and from the time we say i do, we were eventually flying by the seat of our underwear. We never care to get a manual or a textbook to tell us how to get it right, making our marriage to be an evolving set of experiments, discovering and learning more and more about one another and know what will work and what won't work. Many say if mistakes is not made, we can't learn, but what is price of the mistakes and is the price too high for some couples.

This is why i have come up with 3 methods to strongly save your marriage problems. These are 3 things that have worked for people who care to apply it in their everyday live and it has helped get their marriage the way it was when they were newly married. I call this error free method to save yourself and your marriage in the life of your partner and prove to them that they are both committed to making correct changes in your marriage.

They first step to saving your marriage is to avoid following your issue on a case by case basis. Husband and wife that try to solve quarrels by judging the small details of every quarrel are never going to get the large matter resolved. I am based on the issues that truly matters in your marriage and the problems that keeps on coming whenever their is an arguments.

You spend too time at work, couples feeling unappreciated, never make love as long as they previously used to, either of you having the feeling that you are unfulfilled by your relationship or lifestyle, is the interaction weak in your relationship, does you want your right override by the feelings of your partner. I will like to tell you to spend more time examine the issues and themes behind your arguments and worry less on the details.

If the issue is your job then it means that the gap behind this is the balance between work and home which means you take work responsibilities more serious than the family issues which should be your number one .If the issue is that you are not doing enough chores, the gap behind this is that you are being invited into making a deeper contribution into coupledom. If the issue is your partner being grumpy with you all the time, the gap is your partner needing to feel validated in the relationship. If you are able to get a deeper understanding of what the key gaps hindering your marriage issues you are able to form effective solutions that will save your marriage from shattering.

The next step to transforming your marriage is to examine your beliefs about your marriage. Its find not to have the fairytale marriage, even the best couples always don't do it right. What makes this imperfections good or bad is ability as a couple to deal with it man to woman. When you don't accept something, do you call your follower, sit down and talk about it or is your first approach to deny that truly there is a problem thinking that somehow it will wither away. Don't you know that a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean?

You have to admit that it is okay to be imperfect. Admitting this language as a partner can be one of the most liberating actions you can use to save your marriage problems. Admitting your imperfection opens more room that can bring both of you closer as you find solutions to show a meaning out of your issues. Admitting that you do make mistakes can open the door to acknowledging that there is a better way to do things and one of the ways as a couple is finding the solution together. Try to make a list of stuffs you have learned as a couple and the list of areas that you as a couple can both improve on and then try talking out that areas with your partner and request for their own opinion.

Finally the third step to transforming your marriage is recognizing the different between being a man and being a woman and acknowledging the relevance of both roles in the relationship. That your partner sees things different from the way you see them doesn't mean its wrong and the same goes for you. They are several ways to interpret the truth and the key to saving marriage problems is in recognizing that men and women have key fundamental differences in the way they reason things.

As for men, their view may be a more strongly-oriented approach to solving an issue but for women, they may focus on the emotional approach as both of you find your way through marriage issues. As you can see both approaches are different, with compromise they can both achieve the same result. A quick approach to saving your marriage is to write down 5 task oriented ways of trying to solve the situation, then list 5 thoughts based ways of communicating your way to a solution. The right key to saving your marriage is in transforming you, being married is the dream of every woman but having marriage problems and not knowing how to solve them can paralyzing a marriage, the solution is the ability to map time from your day to day activities and look at different ways of solving your marriage problems. Every aspect of marriage problems invites you into growing and offers you and your partner the chance to learn.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How to Prevent Divorce - You Can Save Your Marriage

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

How to Prevent Divorce - You Can Save Your Marriage

Preventing a divorce can be a tricky thing to do as it is a journey fraught with dangers and navigating your way through troubled seas of arguments, hurt feelings, broken hearts and the countless small niggles of married life seems overwhelming to the point of desperation for many men and women. Finding out how to prevent divorce therefore becomes a confusing grey area where logic and solutions seem to mean nothing as raw emotions bring everything crashing down.

The trouble often is that the confusion becomes so great that we do throw up our arms metaphorically (and sometimes physically!) in defeat and either stop caring or revert to our baser instincts where fear and anger take a hold; this just makes matters worse. To make sense of this confusing minefield of marital distress we must first realize that we can make things simpler than they seem by focusing on the one central aspect of a marriage ... Love.

If you keep the belief that you are still in love and that love is the driving force for your marriage then you can start to develop that same attitude in your partner even if it seems like they have no interest in it all. However, to do this you must first learn to defuse hostile situations so that the right environment can be found to actually communicate properly without tearing each others heads off. Here are a few tips to help to get to this situation.

Stop the Hostility 

The first barrier is the hostility that develops with problematic marriages. Both people have hit a point where they will not back down as they feel hard done by and do not want to lose the argument to save their face and to prove a point that is probably not really the issue at hand. The problem is that everyone seems to be keeping score and wanting to be right, wanting to WIN which is a poisonous attitude in a relationship where you are suppose to be working together and understanding each other on a level of intimacy that only lovers can reach. If you can leave the ego at the door and learn that keeping score does not matter you may take some barbed comments but you will find your partner will not continue to attack if you do not attack back. Only when the hostility is gone will you be able to talk properly.

Uncover the Real Issue 

Most arguments seem to revolve around small insignificant things or "niggles" such as household chores, minor money matters or small personal habits. You probably know that this is not the real reason or might be baffled as to why it is a problem but all of these niggles either have a kernel of truth to them or are a signal of some other larger marriage threatening problem.

For instance, a wife yells at her husband for neglecting his chores and children because he is going out with his friends too often. The husband feels he is a good father and while is not prompt with chores gets them done in an orderly fashion and yells back that he needs some time to himself too - Is this argument really about the children or chores however? While the wife might seem to be strong willed she might be feeling very threatened and insecure because of the time her husband spends away from the family. The husband may also feel suffocated by the home environment but cannot find a way to express this so blows off steam with his friends instead. Or there could be many other reasons but they are not the things being talked about! Once you calm an argument down however you have the ability to navigate your true feelings as painful as they might be to express when they are aired in the right atmosphere then you can find out how to prevent divorce for the right reasons and with the right decisions.

So if you are prepared to be the one who saves your marriage even if you think your partner does not want it click below to find more information on stopping divorce and mending your broken marriage.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

Top 10 Tips To Save Your Marriage

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

Top 10 Tips To Save Your Marriage

With the increasing rate of divorce many people are worried about saving their marriage. It is not unusual to find people who have opted not to marry and simply decided to cohabit as they fear that getting married will only make them vulnerable to divorce. Being married myself these questions have highly bothered me but I was determined to find a way to divorce proof my marriage. Below are some tips to do so.

1. Communication is key: Say exactly what's on your mind and don't leave the other guessing. It is better to tell someone what exactly you want them to know, rather than assume they know and that goes even for sex. Also be mindful of the timing. Give them some time to eat and rest after a tiring day at work before bringing up any issues. Usually it is best not to talk about issues after 9 p.m.

2. Be quick to apologize whether you are on the right or not. Being at peace and in harmony is more important than being right.

3. Put your spouse's interests ahead of yours. Do to others what you would like others to do unto you. For example make meals first to please them. Cook the way they like and what they like Not necessarily the way you like. Even if it means cooking two meals it is worth the effort to keep your marriage.

4. Create memories together. Find common interests and invest some time in them weekly. Maybe a weekly dinner out or going to the movies just the two of you. Just find some time to be alone together at least once a week to keep the flame burning

5. Do the best you can to stay attractive, be it at home or when you are out. Be clean, well dressed and well-groomed. Remember what attracted you to the other in the first place and keep that going. Many people make the mistake of neglecting their appearance after marriage. That is a great marriage killer.

6. Be committed to your marriage. A good marriage takes time and hard work. Do not find excuses to quit on your marriage and do not use the children as an excuse to avoid your spouse. Also avoid using the D word (divorce) as a threat every time something goes wrong.

7. Read marriage books and see marriage counselors if necessary but remember that no amount of counseling or information you get will be of help unless you are completely determined to make your marriage successful by making it a priority.

8. Avoid nagging. No one likes a spouse who exasperates him or her. Say something once or twice and leave it at that.

9. Esteem each other above yourself. Give your spouse compliments both in public and private. Men should open doors for their spouses and pull chairs for them. Speak highly of each other and never argue in front of the kids.

10. If you want to be really bold, let lovemaking be more about pleasing your spouse rather than deriving pleasure for yourself. You will be amazed at the satisfaction you get as you strive to please your spouse.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of tips to save your marriage but they have worked well in mine and are a good place to start. They are useful not only for married couples but for any one in a love relationship.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

3 Uncommon Ways to Save Your Marriage

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

3 Uncommon Ways to Save Your Marriage

I was so happy the day I married my husband. We were both sparkling eyes and hearts full of love. We swore to be together forever and we meant it.

Cut to 11 years later. Every day I ask myself how to save marriage from divorce. We hardly ever talk or see each other. A silent anger is between us all the time. We never spend family time together. I am always suspicious that he is cheating, he always complains and nothing I do is good enough. My children notice this and seem so sad.

Things look hopeless and divorce is definitely lurking around in the corners. How could this have happened to us? What did I do wrong? Who is to blame? How can I save my marriage from divorce?

As these questions took hold of my thoughts and depression slowly took over me, I decided not to give up. I started looking for help because I knew we can't survive this marriage crisis alone. After a long search and a many mistakes (mainly due to questionable advice on the internet), I finally found the last relationship advice book I'll ever read. Implementing the exact steps given to me in this book literally saved my marriage.

I want to share 3 golden ways to save your marriage - All of them taken from this book. I hope it helps you as it did me:

1. Stop Asking What's Wrong and How To Fix It

A common and very human mistake we all make is always looking for what is wrong and how can we fix it. Why can't we get things right again? why can't we get back to the way we used to be? Why did he cheat on me?

There's nothing wrong in finding the weak spots in your relationship and working to better them somehow, but focusing on the bad things in your marriage has its price: It puts an emphasis on the marriage crisis, it makes you feel that things are hopeless and it's a shaky foundation for rebuilding your relationship. So, what's the uncommon way to deal with this?

Focus on the positive aspects of your marriage. Take a trip down memory lane: try to remember happy times, loving moments that you shared together. Look at pictures of you on a trip together, smiling and touching.

Remember why he became your best friend. Is he the only one that knows your deepest fear because he's the only one you've shared it with? Does he have the same sense of humor as you? Write down all the qualities of your spouse and your marriage. This will remind you the foundation of your marriage and how you can both be happy together.

2. Feel Angry, But Keep Your Cool

When your marriage is in crisis, anger becomes your companion. How many times have you experienced feeling Boiled over in rage over something your spouse said or did? How many times have you responded angrily at how irresponsible he has behaved?

Feeling angry is understandable, and venting your anger can even strengthen your communication. But acting angry will only make things worse and cause more problems than you started out with. So, what's the uncommon way to deal with this?

Identify your anger point - Identify the point when you decide to become angry. There is such a point and if you stop and think for a second - you will find it. Now - consciously decide to respond without the anger. Express your feelings. Start with "I am angry because I feel..." instead of "I am angry because YOU..."

Change your approach - Before telling him off, remind yourself that you are talking to your best friend, not your enemy. Only then start talking.

3. The Critical Ingredient In Saving Your Marriage

While these 2 pieces of advice are very helpful, you probably know that it won't be enough. The critical ingredient in how to save marriage from divorce is...HELP.

You can't do this alone and you can't do this with only your spouse and some random advice from your girlfriends. You need professional help.

I couldn't afford going to marriage counseling so I had to fins an alternative. Finally I found this book, from which I shared this advice with you. I learned about the #1 predictor of divorce, I learned new ways to connect emotionally, how to rebuild the respect and the honesty, how to heal after a fight and how to open up without getting hurt. It was a life saver for our marriage and we didn't have to spend endless hours searching for a good therapist that will actually help (I hear so many stories about counseling that didn't help) or spend half our saving on counseling sessions.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

1 Tip That Could Save Your Marriage

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

1 Tip That Could Save Your Marriage

When you're faced with a marriage crisis that's escalated to the point where one of you is serious about ending the marriage, it's hard to remain focused on any task that involves saving your marriage. Let alone, put together any kind of plan that you could see actually helping you to save your marriage. But, what you can do, is use this one tip that could save your marriage, in fact if you have children you may already use it on a daily basis.

This may seem silly at first or you may even think that there's no way it would work, but you'd be surprised. The little tip I'm trying to get across is reverse psychology. And, like I said before if you have children or have often watched or dealt with children, then I'm sure at one point or another you've had to use this invaluable tool to coach them into the outcome you preferred.

So, that's great, but how will that help you with your marriage, a skill that's often used to coach children into doing what you want? Works better than you would think when it comes to a matter as serious as this.

You see, you're in the middle of a heated matter that involves tons of feelings, emotions etc.. You're undoubtedly worked up constantly and at this point things just come out. Whether it's flying off the handle or crying in the middle of conversations about the marriage. Either way, you're pretty much going with the flow. Whatever happens, happens. There is no plan, there is no conversations or words which are working to set up the next conversation to lead in the way in which you want. Everything is pretty much on the fly, in an instant it either makes things worse or definitely doesn't go in the direction you want.

That's where reverse psychology can become an invaluable tool during this time. You want to avoid giving your spouse the reactions they expect. In their mind, they're already anticipating your reactions, and already know how they're going to deal with them. Giving them a huge advantage and a set in their mind way of how they're going to react. What reverse psychology will do, is eliminate that defensive wall they have built up from their anticipation of your reactions.

Putting reverse psychology to work for the good of your marriage is what you need to do now. But, there's a fine line that needs to be walked, so you don't let on to your spouse what you're doing. This means that you can't do things to out of the ordinary, things that would clue your spouse in to what you're up to. But, you can for the most part start with reacting almost opposite to how you would normally react.

For example, if every conversation has normally led to you arguing about the marriage, do your best to not ever let this happen. If something your spouse is about to do, would normally stir you up and get you all upset to where you begin flying off the handle etc., do the opposite. If your spouse has been fishing for reactions, looking for you to beg them to stay, only to turn this against you to get what they want, do the opposite. Let them sweat on it a little while for a change, shut down their own psychological tricks and learn to recognize them if they've become a pattern.

You'll be surprised at how the balance of power can quickly shift. There are numerous examples of how spouses threaten to leave or talk of divorce, just to get what they want, and it upsets the other spouse into giving them exactly what they want. It becomes a pattern. But, when you call them on it and turn the tide with reverse psychology, it often puts the upper hand of power back into the hands of the spouse who had been victimized by this type of behavior. Give it a try, if there's been a pattern like this, call them out on it. Either way, using it to throw your spouse off of what they're expecting will still serve your marriage saving efforts for the better and in fact can save a marriage from divorce.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How To Save Your Marriage Using The Law Of Attraction

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

How To Save Your Marriage Using The Law Of Attraction

One of the first things to remember is that the LOA is very powerful. Ever heard the term "be careful what you wish for?"That phrase is for a very good reason. Have you ever wondered why you keep getting the same kind of challenges cropping up over and over again? Money problems, sickness, trouble with the kids, the marriage! Well the plain and simple truth is that you created it! I hear you shouting back at me, but trust me when I explain you will see. The best part about this magic is it's no illusion. You are the creator of your own reality and that means you can do anything!

OK, how about a game? let's play Simon Says; Simon says don't think of a snowman, Simon says don't think of a red bus and Simon says don't think of a giraffe wearing a pink bow. Did you win? Trouble with the Universe is that she doesn't understand the words don't, not and no and for that reason, you will always get more of what you don't want, especially if you keep using them! Now I'm going to show you how to get more of what you do want and less of what you don't.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns A = Things I don't want & column B = Things I would like. Then in the first column I want you to write down anything that's wrong in your marriage or things you don't want. Make your list as long as you can, around 50/100 issues would be great.

Now that you have identified what you don't want, now move into the next column and from there write down what it is you do want. The clue to getting what you want is to be as specific as you can. For example, if you put in column A~ My husband isn't tactile enough, you could put in column B ~ I want my husband to be loving, caring and sensual with me. Remember to work down your list until you have totally eliminated your negatives (list A) Maybe you could score through them one at a time so that they no longer exist?

The second part of the law of attraction is to learn how to let go of the negative energy and replace it with positive energy. You need to do this to raise your vibration. As humans we are constantly sending out vibrational messages that others receive and interpret. Your mood is a good indication of what level your vibration is. If you are down in the dumps and miserable you will be sending out corresponding low vibrations. The Universe matches your vibrations and sends you more of the same. When you are happy and life is wonderful, your vibration is higher and you will receive more of that too.

You can increase your energy levels and vibration by simply playing some bouncy upbeat music, dance, sing or simply playing with the kids, the dog or how about going out and indulge yourself in mother nature. It's important to understand, where focus goes energy flows and if you are miserable and things are not going well, it's time to shift your focus!

Moving on to the third step of the law of attraction, you need to be the change you want to see. This means that you will need behave towards your partner as you would have them behave towards you. There is no point in chewing your partners head off when he gets home from work and expect him to be loving and caring. You can have anything you want in this life, you just have to have the desire to make it happen.

It's easy when a marriage starts to show signs of cracks and it's also easy to point the finger of blame. But by doing so you learn nothing and the same challenges will continue to present themselves until you look within. Here are some questions you might like to consider asking yourself when your relationship starts to suffer.

  • If I were behaving like my partner, why would I be doing so?
  • If I were behaving like my partner, how would it make me feel?

And then;

  • How could I have created this situation?
  • How could I have drawn this into my life?
  • What feelings does this create within me?

I think that once you gain insight into why your partner is behaving in a particular manner you will stop pointing the finger and start working on yourself. These questions are a great place to start and used with the LOA you will be creating deliberately and you will have all that you truly desire.

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!

How About Begin Dating Your Spouse All Over Again?

Each year in America alone, nearly 1 million marriages end in divorce.This is an incredible number! That would be as if all the citizens of Houston Texas were divorced (each divorce leaves 2 people).

The question is how many of those marriages could be saved. Unfortunately, that is an invisible number. If your marriage stays together, it is hard to find in the statistics. As Marian Wright Edelman wrote, statistics are stories with the tears washed off.

Can your marriage be saved? If I could answer that, I would be a wealthy man. I can tell you that if your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, the outcome is guaranteed. If you do something, there is a much better chance that your marriage will be saved.

And I can tell you, in four simple steps what you can do to save your marriage. You can start right now. But you must understand that I said "simple." That is not the same as "easy." These steps are not easy. They do, however, give you a path that you must follow if you want to change the destiny of a marriage in trouble.

How About Begin Dating Your Spouse All Over Again?

When looking to establish or keep a relationship, dating is a crucial element.

Love and romance are two essential elements of an intimate love relationship, and is what any good counselor will tell you when giving love advice.

It is important to never ever undervalue the power of an easy date. A date can bring love back into the relationship, as in, rekindle the old love.

The Course in Miracles further states, "Your peace lies in its limitlessness. Limit the peace you share, and your Self must be unknown to you."

It is still important to comprehend dating and its importance if you are not in a severe relationship right now.

Dating is vital to consider for keeping your relationship alive and fresh if your relationship is that of marital relationship.

Dating can assist to conserve an otherwise failing marital relationship.

This doesn't suggest that each date needs to be extremely romantic, or that you need to fork out a lot of dough or max out your credit card each time you date your wife or husband.

Oftentimes, simply just hanging around alone with your partner can be adequate to assist keeping the love alive.

Each night does not have to be a date, however understand that going on a date with your partner on a constant basis helps to ensure that love and that love remains a part of the relationship.

When it comes to why dating is important for your marriage, it is very important, as it prevents your other half from making assumptions.

Your better half might think that you would rather not be seen with her or him in public, or that you repent to display your relationship.

The best love advice will tell you that the lack of dating can likewise cause dullness and cause an "average," relationship to decline below, even, "average".

This can, regrettably, cause relationship difficulties and perhaps even separation or divorce.

In a previous session I discussed free information available on the web on the importance of commitment for healing a love relationship or saving the marriage.

To keep your relationship strong, you will desire to make a commitment to plan routine date activities with your partner.

Typical, popular, and standard date activities, such as dinner and a motion picture, are great, but it is also important to believe more within you and your mate how you have an inner connection, if you will.

Good love advice will state that distinct dating experiences can likewise assist to develop more love and improve your intimacy.

Uncommon and out of the regular dates when you date your wife, can be extremely romantic.

If you and your partner are parents, it is essential to understand that dating can be made complex, but it is still more than possible.

You might discover that it is rather difficult to get away without the kids, but it is crucial to discover a method!

There are several choices for parents, like you.

These options include hiring a babysitter or asking a relative to see the kids for a couple of hours.

Going out on dates when you are caring and loving moms and dads who have children takes mindful planning, however the effort is more than worth it.

When you are provided time alone, your relationship and intimacy levels can grow.

As a recap for this article's love advice, I like dating because it can develop and nurture your relationship.

It can also assist to enhance ways to be intimate and your over-all intimacy, which is an essential component of a wonderful and healthy love relationship.

Bear in mind that a strong relationship often equates into more fun, love, and passion in the bedroom.

When looking to keep a relationship or develop, dating is a crucial component.

It is still crucial to comprehend dating and its significance if you are not in a major relationship right now.

Dating is a crucial factor in keeping your relationship fresh and alive if your relationship is that of marital relationship.

Each night does not have to be a date, however understand that going on a date with your spouse on a constant basis helps to guarantee that love and love stays a part of the relationship.

To keep your relationship strong, you will want to make a dedication to plan regular date activities with your partner.

(Please note, I also suggest seeking out the web for more helpful material on things like, happy married life and on the other hand when the ugly face of the divorce shouts out its ugliness.)

So There You Have It! Expert Advice on How to Save a Marriage

If you found even one piece of advice shared by our experts helpful, I'm really glad.

And I hope what you've gathered from this article is that saving your marriage from divorce takes a lot of work, requires time and commitment from both spouses, and it won't happen overnight.

But it is possible!